A Brief Intro into the 5 Ways


5 Ways In to Character is a technique to create and embody characters on stage, on screen, in visual art, and on the page. It is intended to support you as a creator, to discover and use five particular aspects of being human, so you can confidently create recognizable, compelling beings in your work. 

Each “Way” is a jewel, crafted from the gemstones I’ve come across on my path to becoming a professional performing artist. You can use them to create unique, impactful characters in your own work; you can also use them to deepen your understanding of what it is to be human. 

I have never found the Ways to be ineffective or inapplicable. Not once. Every person I’ve worked with who has applied them has had tangible, fulfilling results. You do not have to use every one of the 5 Ways In to get these results. Using just some will have an impact on what you are creating, as well as on you as a creator, in ways I hope you will adore. 

Importantly, the 5 Ways In are not a template to fit your work into, nor are they instructions on how to act, write, or draw. They are tools to help you enrich and illuminate what you are creating—tools of the trade, from someone who has experience using them, in rehearsal and in her trailer—and over years, with many students and clients. I like to think of it this way: If the character you’re creating were a city, this technique is an insider’s map, showing you how to get to all the coolest, most fun, unique places in your character’s downtown.